Simple cmds for using git and github
It is not long since I started my computer science program so I didn’t get a chance to collaborating with other programmers and show up in a project.
This semester I started to do some experiments following one professor. I think doing experiment is a good starting point before digging into real research. Also this gives me a great opportunity to learn how to use Github to share.
The project has already had all require functionality implemented and what I am going to do is to modify using new heuristic and check the running time. If the running time decreases significantly, then I do the following experiment to check whether other costs.
This article helped a lot.
To start with, clone the existing repository:
git clone the/url/of/the/repository
Next, create a new branch for my own experimet because I am not going to interfere with others’ work or ruin the whold project. Here git checkout -b
creates a new branch and switches to it.
git checkout -b my_branch_name
Then I can do whatever I want under this branch. Just remember to check the modified code and commit them in the end:
git status
git add modified/code/in/your/branch
git commit -m "What I have done to this branch"
git push origin my_branch_name
This will go under this branch without interfering with the master.
To keep updated with the repo:
git pull
Also, when I finished changing codes, I may send Professor a pull request. But so far, my codes are still in this branch.